Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wiki Tiki Tavi

Don't fall over; but, I like the idea of wikis more than I thought I would. Looking over some of the suggested wikis, I was very taken with the uses some libraries have made, i.e. subject guides. Granted its an updated version of having printouts on hand to give patrons; but, gathering everything in one place like the St. Joseph county one, is very useful. Also, it reaches the at-home user and helps further use of the collection, etc. One of our part-time librarians who is full-time at the State Library, uses his blog or wiki to store handouts for his students. Easy access when needed and with online availability.
Was this my first positve blog entry? I really like all the new stuff. But my mantra remains, for staff to make full use, they need easy access, aka available computers and TIME.

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